Medigap Insurance

Currently, the popular Medigap plan!

Medicare Supplement Plan N is designed to offer exceptional coverage with lower premiums than many other Medigap plans! The reasons Plan N is so popular:
  • Cost sharing and co-pays = BIG premium savings
  • Great alternative to Medicare Advantage
  • Great fit for new Medicare members familiar with co-pay concept
  • After the Part B Deductible, a $20 Office/$50 ER co-pay is the maximum amount the client pays when a provider accepts Medicare assignment
Medicare Supplement Plan N does not cover your Part B deductible ($140); but all other approved services are paid for under Plan N, including lab work, diagnostics procedures, MRI’s Cat Scans, Pet Scans, Occupational, Speech and Language Therapy as well as other approved services.  You will have no additional cost or co-insurance payment up to 100% of the approved Medicare cost of service.

Not all providers offer all of the Medicare Supplement Plans. This could be especially true for the new Plan N. It can also be difficult to determine which plan is right for you. Our trained specialists can help you find the plan that best fits your needs and budget. Most insurance carriers offer a variety of plans, so our specialists can help you shop around for the best price.

Without a knowledgeable and trusted guide by your side, it’s easy to get lost in the current Medicare marketplace. We help you navigate the complexities of the Medicare transition process every step of the way with personalized advice and expert recommendations. We provide a clear and comprehensive roadmap to help you avoid common pitfalls to ensure you purchase just the right plan, at the lowest possible cost.

Our services are free, so there’s no cost or risk for taking advantage of the knowledge and guidance we offer.

Your Next Step:

1. Call 215-658-1776 for a free Medicare consultation to see which plan may be best suited for your needs.  


2. Fill out our fee, no-obligation Medicare Quote form on the right.

  MediGap Advisorsrecommends speaking with one of our independent, experts advisors to receive a recommendation on which plan may be best suited for your needs.  If you have any questions, call 866-323-1441 and we’ll quickly give you the answers you are looking for.